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    The Old Auburn Schoolhouse, located next to the Auburn Presbyterian Church is now host to the "All You Need Is Love" Food Pantry.  

    We are open for operation on the third Saturday of each month from 9  AM to 11 AM and, at other times by appointment. The pantry stocks a wide variety of canned and packaged foods as well as hygene products. 

    Since we are a "new agency" we rely completely on donations of goods and financial contributions from individuals, churches, and community groups.  Currently, we are not eligible to purchase bulk quanities of food items from the St. Louis Food Bank.  

   This pantry began as a labor of love by four girl scouts from the Clopton (Pike Co. R-3) school district as a project for their gold award.  It took almost two years to clean and rennovate the Auburn Schoolhouse. With a combination of grants and generous contributions from individuals and faith communities, All You Need Is Love Food Pantry made its debut on October 29, 2011.  The needs are evident as we served nine families and a total of 40 individuals that first day. One month later, we nearly doubled the number of individuals and families. 

   All You Need Is Love is not here to compete with other larger pantries. We are here, by the grace of God, to serve people who may not have an opportunity to go to the other pantries.  We are the "convenience store" as opposed to being a "supermarket". The people we serve may be able to find food and hygene products that they are unable to find at the larger pantries. 

  Visit our  vegetable garden on the property near the schoolhouse.  We see this as an opportunity to provide some fresh produce for the people. 

   If anybody is interested in volunteering at the pantry, or have any further questions concerning "All You Need Is Love", contact Rev. Murray Phillips at 573-485-6996 or e-mail: